Sandy Kerr, BCAc – Co-founder and Manager
Sandy has 35 years’ experience working in IT. Before founding Pass IT On in 2002, he was the ICT Coordinator for Leonard Cheshire Services in Edinburgh for 10 years, enabling clients with a wide range of disabilities to access computers.
Helen Russell – Administrator Plus Helen worked for nearly twenty years as a science and technology curator at the National Library of Scotland before changing direction and moving to work in the voluntary sector at a charity based at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh. Helen joined Pass IT On in 2011. She studied computers, the internet and society at the Open University and is a member of the British Computer Society. In her spare time she enjoys photography and live music, and is a conservation volunteer in rural East Lothian.

Sandy and Martha were each awarded a British Citizen Award in January 2017 for their work with Pass IT On.

Volunteers We have a group of regular volunteers from various walks of life – many of whom have been with us for over ten years. We would not be able to deliver our service as effectively without them. Find out how you could become a volunteer with Pass IT On.
Trustees Our current trustees are Kirstin Corrie, Ian Currie, Simon Maclaren and Chair of Trustees Lydia Morrow. They bring a range of invaluable skills and experience to their role.